
21Shares Lists Four Physically Backed Crypto-Asset ETNs on London Stock Exchange

21Shares Lists Four Physically Backed Crypto-Asset ETNs on London Stock Exchange
21Shares Lists Four Physically Backed Crypto-Asset ETNs on London Stock Exchange

21Shares, the world’s largest issuer of crypto exchange-traded products (ETPs), today announced the launch of four physically backed crypto-asset exchange traded notes (ETNs) on London Stock Exchange – available for professional investors. Each ETN is listed in both GBP and USD. This launch marks 21Shares official entrance into the UK market.

The listings come in response to a new regulatory environment in the UK, following the recent news that the Financial Conduct Authority will allow professional investors to access Bitcoin and Ethereum-backed exchange-traded notes.

The milestone marks the latest expansion in 21Shares’ global growth, providing professional and institutional investors with regulated, transparent, and secure access to the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency market and asset class.

Founded in 2018, 21Shares pioneered the world’s first physically-backed crypto ETN and has established a solid track record of creating innovative, reliable, and compliant crypto investment products. With ETNs already listed on prominent exchanges such as Nasdaq OMX, Euronext Paris and Amsterdam, Deutsche Börse Xetra, and SIX Swiss Exchange, 21Shares is there to meet a growing demand from investors to gain exposure to digital assets through their existing bank or brokerage accounts.

Ophelia Snyder, co-founder, said:

The UK is one of the deepest, most-liquid capital markets in the world. As institutional interest in cryptocurrencies grows, it is only natural that London Stock Exchange hosts responsible, properly-constructed funds offering access to these markets.

That’s where an established firm like ours, with a proven track record through volatile markets, can play an integral role. We have listed more than 40 ETNs on 11 different stock exchanges. We are excited to be part of this evolution in the UK.”

Hany Rashwan, co-founder, said:

Crypto is here to stay. There is a clear role for decentralised finance in a global world, and more people are coming around to that point of view. More and more institutional investors want to have an exposure to the transformational potential of cryptocurrencies, as part of a balanced investment portfolio.

That demand already exists, and we are helping to supply the products to meet that demand. We are keen to watch how the space evolves, and how we can continue to support growth in the sector as the regulatory environment progresses.”

21Shares offers the largest suite of cryptocurrency exchange-traded notes (ETNs) globally, catering to a wide range of investor needs, including 7 diversified index ETNs, which provide exposure to a basket of top cryptocurrencies, and 5 staking ETNs that generate additional returns through staking. Additionally, 21Shares provides 2 inverse ETNs that profit from price declines.

21Shares’ currently has over $3.6bn in European assets under management (AUM), as of 24 May 2024.

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