
AirMoney Degn Device Launches as World’s First DePIN Hardware Device

AirMoney Degn Device Launches as World’s First DePIN Hardware Device
AirMoney Degn Device Launches as World’s First DePIN Hardware Device

Airmoney will unveil AirMoney Degn Device, a web3 hardware solution designed for DePIN, during TOKEN2049. The device goes beyond the features offered by a conventional hardware wallet, allowing users to interact with web3 protocols through a secure DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network) framework.

Unlike traditional wallets that focus solely on storage, AirMoney allows users to run nodes, earn tokens through Proof of Activity, and engage in trading, staking, and gaming within a fully decentralized, standalone device. Each device comes with a Node that users can activate upon setup to run, enter the network and start earning tokens through Proof of Activity. This marks a shift from simple storage devices to fully interactive, standalone ecosystems that let users take control of their crypto experience in new ways.

AirMoney Degn Device has partnered with a host of leading blockchains and dApp providers to offer seamless access to decentralized applications and services directly from the device. A number of exclusive dApps have been integrated into AirMoney’s decentralized app store, ensuring access to a broad range of crypto tools and products. It includes access to spot and perpetual futures trading powered by Bybit, complete with the ability to adjust leverage by turning al dedicated physical knob and AI data labelling dDapp, the Workspace, by Synesis One.

One of the standout features of the AirMoney device is its physical OLED-powered buttons, which allow users to execute trades and interact with dAp,ps at the push of a button. This makes crypto engagement more intuitive and physical than ever before. In the process, it enables users to retain full custody of their assets within a highly secure hardware environment.

AirMoney is committed to making crypto more accessible to everyone. Pre-loaded with native tokens, the AirMoney Degn Device acts as a gateway that makes it easier for users to participate in DeFi and grow their crypto assets. The majority of AirMoney’s native token supply will be distributed to users through Proof of Activity (PoA), ensuring that those who participate in the network share in its success.

Launched at TOKEN2049 in Singapore on September 18, AirMoney Degn Device will redefine how people interact with crypto through its DePIN device. Rather than passively holding assets, users are empowered to become active participants, running nodes, trading, staking, and gaming, all within a fully decentralized standalone device.

Top-Tier Security: Powered by Web3Auth’s MPC Technology

AirMoney prioritizes security by utilizing Multi-Party Computation (MPC) technology, provided by Web3Auth—a solution validated by over 10,000,000 accounts worldwide. Unlike traditional wallets, where the entire private key is stored on the device, AirMoney only stores a fragment of the key, adding an extra layer of protection. Using Shamir Secret Sharing, AirMoney splits the key across multiple locations, ensuring that no single point of failure can compromise the user’s assets. This cutting-edge security architecture protects users while offering them the freedom to fully engage in the decentralized ecosystem without fear of asset loss.

Current hardware wallets are limited to passive storage, offering little beyond the secure holding of crypto assets and simple token swaps. Meanwhile, the advancement of DeFi and web3 has spawned dynamic ecosystems that demand greater interactivity, usability, and participation. AirMoney Degn Device represents the evolution of the hardware wallet into a general purpose device for getting the most out of DeFi and Web3.

AirMoney CEO Kryzstof Gagacki said: “The AirMoney device advances crypto hardware beyond the era of passive storage. Just like the Kindle was built for reading, AirMoney is purpose-built for crypto, offering users a gateway to the decentralized economy where they can actively trade, stake, and earn from a single, powerful device.” and

The launch of the AirMoney Degn Device will raise the bar for crypto hardware while supporting greater network participation and earning opportunities.

About AirMoney

AirMoney’s multi-functional DePIN device allows users to go beyond crypto storage. With AirMoney Degn Device, users can run nodes,, participate in network governance and earn rewards through Proof of Activity. They can also trade, stake, and game without relying on mobile phones or external apps and access a decentralized app store that delivers the best multi-chain experiences in one place.

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