
ALTA Announces Strategic Partnership with Defimoon

ALTA Announces Strategic Partnership with Defimoon
ALTA Announces Strategic Partnership with Defimoon

ALTA and Defimoon are excited to announce a strategic partnership aimed at harnessing their respective expertise to drive innovation and accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology. This partnership brings together ALTA's blockchain accelerator and consultancy services with Defimoon's cutting-edge blockchain development and web3 security solutions.

About Defimoon

Defimoon is a cutting-edge blockchain development and web3 security company at the forefront of the decentralized finance (DeFi) revolution. With a strong focus on harnessing the power of blockchain technology, Defimoon offers innovative solutions for building secure and scalable decentralized applications (dApps) on various blockchain platforms.

Their team of experienced developers and security experts specializes in creating secure, decentralized applications using blockchain technology. Defimoon has a proven track record of delivering high-quality solutions for inverse.finance, algem.io, dexfinance.org, haqq.network, spherium.finance and other DeFi protocols.

Some of the services Defimoon offers include:

  • Smart Contract audits and testing
  • Protocol and Dapp audit
  • Custom Smart contract development
  • DeFi protocol development

Cyrill M, CEO at Defimoon: “As part of this partnership, our collaboration with Alta will enhance the comprehensive support we provide to startups in the blockchain space. Startups selected by Alta will now have access to Defimoon's talented team, benefitting from their expertise in secure smart contract development, protocol auditing, and Dapp testing. This combined strength will ensure that startups receive the necessary support throughout their journey, from ideation to execution.”

Brandon Crenshaw, CBDO at ALTA: "Through this partnership, ALTA and Defimoon will combine their strengths to provide startups in the blockchain space with comprehensive support throughout their journey. Startups selected by ALTA will now have access to Defimoon's experienced team of developers and security experts.”

About ALTA

ALTA is a blockchain accelerator and consultancy that is committed to driving the mass adoption of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and blockchain solutions. The company offers a broad range of services to selected startups, including mentorship, due diligence, effective marketing, outreach strategies, and connections to funds, investors, and launchpads.

ALTA's key connections with venture capital funds and investors provide full access to a network of industry experts, advisors, and mentors who can assist startups in growing and scaling their businesses. Through ALTA's scaling and localization efforts, projects can increase their visibility and improve their chances of climbing the top 100 rankings on CoinMarketCap or gaining global recognition.

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