
Anyone Integrates peaq Data Streams Using Synternet to Power Privacy Applications

Anyone Integrates peaq Data Streams Using Synternet to Power Privacy Applications
Anyone Integrates peaq Data Streams Using Synternet to Power Privacy Applications

peaq’s data streams are now available to Anyone (formerly ATOR) builders through Synernet’s Data Layer. Peaq streams will provision real-time DePIN data for developers building privacy applications on Anyone.

Anyone builders can now incorporate decentralized data feeds into their relay operations courtesy of peaq. Delivered through Synternet’s dedicated data network, the arrangement will expand Anyone’s capabilities in privacy-first hardware and provide developers with reliable blockchain data on demand.

By subscribing to peaq’s data streams, Anyone can relay the data to builders who will enjoy enhanced privacy and security. peaq’s robust infrastructure for DePIN and Machine Real-World Assets (RWA) offers reliable and real-time data that is crucial for Anyone’s operations. The addition of these decentralized data feeds means Anyone’s network can operate more efficiently, ensuring data integrity and boosting the overall performance of its anonymous communication networks.

“Integrating peaq’s real-time data streams into our network is a game-changer for Anyone,” said Neuratic, Founder & COO at Anyone. “It allows us to offer even greater privacy and security for our users, while also demonstrating the power of decentralized data in real-world applications.”

Synternet CTO Jonas Simanavicius added: “This collaboration exemplifies how Synternet’s Data Layer can support and enhance privacy-focused projects like Anyone. By enabling access to real-time data from peaq, we are helping to build a more secure and decentralized internet.”

Synternet’s Data Layer forms the primary enabler for Anyone’s utilization of live peaq data, facilitating direct node-to-node streams. The Data Layer acts as a decentralized hub, allowing real-time data to flow smoothly from different blockchain networks. This ensures that Anyone’s devices can access the most up-to-date and accurate data available.

Synternet’s modular and interoperable infrastructure ensures that integrating peaq data into Anyone’s network is straightforward and efficient. The integration and usage of the Data Layer for peaq streams will enhance Anyone’s network capabilities and builder tooling.

The addition of peaq ecosystem data feeds into Anyone’s infrastructure marks a significant advance for decentralized privacy technologies. It highlights the vital role that real-time blockchain data plays in advancing privacy for web3 users.

About Anyone

Anyone is leading the charge in creating a global anonymous routing ecosystem, offering secure, low-power, plug-and-play devices that enhance internet anonymity. By leveraging decentralized privacy protocols, onchain incentives, and specialized hardware, Anyone is building robust communication networks that protect user privacy and security.

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About peaq

peaq is leading a global infrastructure revolution, empowering people to own and earn from mobility, energy, connectivity, environment, agriculture, and digital infrastructure. peaq is a layer-1 blockchain designed to be the go-to backbone for DePIN. It is home to more than 30 applications in 15 industries and to the 500,000+ devices, vehicles, machines, and robots (Machine RWAs) that run on them.

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About Synternet

Synternet is revolutionizing the web3 landscape by providing modular, interoperable data infrastructure across all major chains. At its core lies the Data Layer, a fully decentralized hub for real-time data sharing, enabling developers to build innovative, data-driven applications. With a focus on enhancing privacy and security through decentralized data, Synternet is driving the future of the decentralized web.

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