
Arkreen will tokenize Singapore Building Carbon Credits for GreenBTC.Club’s on-chain offset

Arkreen will tokenize Singapore Building Carbon Credits for GreenBTC.Club’s on-chain offset
Arkreen will tokenize Singapore Building Carbon Credits for GreenBTC.Club’s on-chain offset

In a groundbreaking move, Arkreen has made a significant stride in its sustainability efforts by tokenizing Singapore Building Carbon Credit for GreeenBTC.Club’s on-chain offset.

Strategic Milestones

Since 2022, Arkreen has been a leading advocate for ESG and sustainable development through DePIN+ReFi innovation, focusing on Web3 community climate action and inclusive carbon neutrality. As a technical partner of the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s NovA! platform, Arkreen, in collaboration with Greenland Financial Technology as well as Singapore Nava Data, has created a comprehensive carbon credit mechanism for buildings. This mechanism includes development, verification, trading, and offsetting, leveraging the Guizhou Green Finance and Emissions Exchange (GGFEX).

Singapore Pilot of Building Carbon Credit Mechanism Success

The methodology of the building carbon credit mechanism is based on China’s inaugural public building emission reduction standard, detailed in the “Technical Specifications for Carbon Emission Reductions from Comprehensive Retrofit Projects of Public Buildings” (T/CSES 128–2023). For projects in hot and humid climates, this standard acknowledges the energy-saving calculation method used by the Singapore Building and Construction Authority’s Super Low Energy Building Hub Project. Software tools based on this calculation method are used for the evaluation, monitoring, reporting, and verification of carbon emission reductions.

Flagship Project

Among these, the energy retrofit project of the Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre was the first to be developed into a Singapore building carbon credit product. The project achieved a verified voluntary emission reduction of 1161 tCO₂e for its first renewable accounting period. This product was successfully listed on GGFEX on June 28 under the name “Lion City Holiday”.

First Product Listing: Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre’s Energy Retrofit Project Becomes First Singapore Building Carbon Credit Product (Product Code: PB06500704003)

Arkreen’s Commitment

Arkreen, as an active practitioner of Web3 community climate action and inclusive carbon neutrality, plans to purchase and retire Singapore building carbon credits through GGFEX. These credits will be bridged onto the blockchain using the ReFi model for on-chain offset by GreenBTC.Club, pioneering new Web3 applications for inclusive carbon neutrality and creating green digital assets in line with ESG principles.

Future Outlook

Building on the success of the Singapore pilot, Arkreen will continue to deepen its collaboration and contribute to the GreenBTC.Club ecosystem. The goal of GreenBTC.Club is to eliminate historical carbon emissions through global community efforts, utilizing the “tokenized green carbon asset protocol” deployed on-chain by Arkreen through DePIN+ReFi innovation.

About Arkreen Network

Arkreen Network is a Web3-enabled data network for globally distributed renewable energy resources connection and monetization driven by a vision of a carbon-neutral Earth. Enabled by Web3 (economics) and IoT plus Blockchain (tech), Arkreen Network aims to build up this infrastructure in a DePIN way from bottom-up by incentivizing climate actors in ReFi applications. You can learn more at

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