
Binance Completes Integration of Bitcoin (BTC) on Lightning Network, Opens Deposits and Withdrawals

Binance Completes Integration of Bitcoin (BTC) on Lightning Network, Opens Deposits and Withdrawals
Binance Completes Integration of Bitcoin (BTC) on Lightning Network, Opens Deposits and Withdrawals

Fellow Binancians,

Binance has completed the integration of Bitcoin (BTC) on the Lightning Network. Deposits and withdrawals for Bitcoin (BTC) are now open on the Lightning Network.

Please find your assigned Bitcoin (BTC) deposit address on the Lightning Network within the Deposit Crypto page here. To learn how to deposit Bitcoin (BTC) on the Lightning Network, please refer to this FAQ.

Note: Where any discrepancy arises between the translated versions and the original English version, the English version shall prevail.

Thanks for your support!

Binance Team


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