
Bitstamp confirms changes to accord with MiCA regulation

Bitstamp confirms changes to accord with MiCA regulation
Bitstamp confirms changes to accord with MiCA regulation

Bitstamp, the world’s longest-running crypto exchange, has confirmed enhancements to its offering in advance of Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) coming into force in the European Union on June 30.

EUR denominated stablecoin EURT, will be delisted in advance of the June 30 deadline.

Electronic Money Tokens (EMTs) which are not Euro-denominated and are already available on the exchange but not within MiCA regulation, will not be delisted, although their availability to European customers will be limited on certain products.

Bitstamp will not list any new EMTs that don’t meet MiCA requirements, nor will it engage in any marketing of them.

With over 50 licences worldwide, Bitstamp is one of the world’s most regulated exchanges. Bitstamp is already compliant with many of MiCA’s standards and is proactively monitoring the further development of the MiCA framework to ensure it continues to meet requirements.

James Sullivan, UK Managing Director at Bitstamp said:

We welcome MiCA’s implementation to make crypto regulation uniform across the European Union. As the world’s longest-running cryptocurrency exchange, we have consistently advocated for proportionate response to regulation which protects consumers while allowing for the ongoing maturation of cryptocurrencies as an asset class. Our commitment to compliance and security means we are in a strong position to adapt to these welcome changes. We are communicating directly with the small proportion of our customers whose asset mixes are affected.”
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