
Catalyst Blockchain Manager Now Supports Canton Network

Empower your teams with the speed and efficiency of a blockchain solution operating system

Catalyst Blockchain Manager Now Supports Canton Network
Catalyst Blockchain Manager Now Supports Canton Network

Catalyst Blockchain Manager now supports the Canton Network, an industry-led, privacy-enabled interoperable blockchain network designed for institutional assets. Users will be able to benefit from Catalyst’s outstanding participant node and domain management capabilities, advanced high availability features, and enterprise-grade ledger identity management functionality.

In today’s unforgiving business environment, organizations need to maximize efficiency, increase productivity, and deliver value at speed. Catalyst makes this possible, removing cumbersome frictions in the implementation of blockchain solutions and automating high-impact workflows.

Canton is the industry’s first interoperable blockchain network designed to balance decentralization with the privacy and control required for financial markets. Canton’s ‘network of networks’ decentralized infrastructure allows users to connect independent applications built with Daml, Digital Asset’s smart contract language.

“Given the number of leading companies now using the Canton Network to optimize legacy systems and create new business models, we are very optimistic about its long-term industry potential. We also understand that enterprises want to reduce delivery time and engineering costs, and manage risk appropriately — and this is where Catalyst really shines,” said Jonathan Mayeur, Head of Product at IntellectEU.

Catalyst Blockchain Manager renders the Canton Network’s use more streamlined, user friendly, and delivers new operational efficiencies. With Catalyst, development teams can bring their ideas to life with outstanding ease powered by a blockchain solution manager that covers the entire project life-cycle. Go from concept to market-ready DLT solution in the shortest time frame possible.

Catalyst Blockchain Manager is developed by IntellectEU, a leader in digital finance and emerging technologies. Visit to learn more about the solution.

About IntellectEU
IntellectEU is a software development and services company, enjoying a reputation for deep expertise in blockchain, financial messaging, and integration. IntellectEU is among a number of industry leaders together supporting the development of the Canton Network. The company is also a founding member of the Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger, a ConsenSys® Official Partner, and a partner of R3, creator of the R3 Corda blockchain protocol. For more information on IntellectEU, please visit

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