
Cribl Achieves ISO 27001 Certification for Information Security Management

Data company’s suite of products meets rigorous security standards, ensuring the highest level of data security for customers and partners globally

Cribl Achieves ISO 27001 Certification for Information Security Management
Cribl Achieves ISO 27001 Certification for Information Security Management

Cribl, the data engine for IT and Security, today announced it has received the ISO 27001 certification for its Information Security Management System (ISMS), ensuring its suite of products meets the highest standard of data security for global customers and partners. This certification further strengthens Cribl’s commitment to security and compliance, building on its previous completion of the SOC 2 Type II attestation and its ongoing commitment to global data privacy regulations like the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation.

ISO 27001 is a globally recognized information security management system standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Cribl’s certification was issued by A-LIGN, an independent and accredited certification body based in the United States, upon the company’s successful completion of a formal audit process.

“Cribl is committed to providing organizations with choice and control over their data, and part of that control is ensuring the highest level of security for our customers and partners,” said Matthew Kelly, Chief Legal Officer at Cribl. “This certification reaffirms our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of information security across our entire suite of products, and we look forward to continuing to deliver innovative, best-in-class solutions that give customers the flexibility and control to safely unlock the full value of their data.”

Compliance with this internationally recognized standard demonstrates Cribl’s security management program is comprehensive and follows leading practices. The scope of its ISO 27001 certification includes the controls, activities, systems, and policies associated with development and support of Cribl Stream, Cribl Edge, and Cribl Search, as well as Cribl hosted and managed solutions accessed via Cribl.Cloud.

Learn more about Cribl’s security and compliance policies and certifications at

About Cribl
Cribl makes open observability a reality for today's tech professionals. The Cribl product suite defies data gravity with radical levels of choice and control. Wherever the data comes from, wherever it needs to go, Cribl delivers the freedom and flexibility to make choices, not compromises. It's enterprise software that doesn't suck, enables tech professionals to do what they need to do, and gives them the ability to say "Yes." With Cribl, companies have the power to control their data, get more out of existing investments, and shape the future of IT and Security data. Founded in 2018, Cribl is committed to being the data company for IT and Security with a remote-first workforce and an office in San Francisco, CA. For more information, visit or our LinkedIn, Twitter, or Slack community.

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