
CUDOS Partners with Kaisar Network to Expand Global Cloud Coverage

CUDOS Partners with Kaisar Network to Expand Global Cloud Coverage
CUDOS Partners with Kaisar Network to Expand Global Cloud Coverage

CUDOS is thrilled to announce a strategic collaboration with Kaisar Network, a leader in global infrastructure solutions touted as the decentralised backbone of advanced AI. This marks a significant milestone in expanding the reach of decentralised cloud services for both partners. Before this partnership, CUDOS had no infrastructure in Asia, while Kaisar had none in North America and Europe. Now both have massively expanded their networks to offer their customers a more truly global ecosystem.

Strengthening Global Decentralisation

The collaboration between CUDOS and Kaisar Network aims to create a seamless and robust global network, empowering developers and businesses across continents. By leveraging each other’s strengths, the partnership underscores the importance of decentralised infrastructure in the modern digital landscape, enhancing connectivity and efficiency worldwide. While Kaisar has a diverse range of GPUs to integrate into the CUDOS ecosystem, they will specifically contribute around 5000 NVIDIA H100 GPUs to significantly boost our supply. This addition highlights their commitment, with further details on the rest of their GPU lineup coming soon!

Leveraging CUDOS and Kaisar Network’s Combined Strengths

Kaisar Network, known for its Proof of Physical Work (PoPW) consensus, ensures complete decentralisation and fraud prevention. As an EVM-compatible Layer 1 blockchain, Kaisar utilises Ethereum’s rich ecosystem of wallets and development tools. This partnership will enhance Kaisar’s capabilities, particularly in providing decentralised cloud infrastructure for AI, which includes developing, training, and scaling AI models with flexible payment options and unlimited data storage.

Kaisar Network’s unique approach optimises GPU usage for compute-intensive domains such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) by pooling resources from idle or underutilised GPUs across the globe. This results in a robust, cost-effective computing resource pool that offers advanced computing power and higher availability.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Emma Mkrtchian
Head of Web3 Marketing

Twitter: @CUDOS_
LinkedIn: CUDOS
Telegram: CUDOS (Official)


CUDOS is at the forefront of sustainable tech solutions, innovating in decentralisation and cloud computing. Committed to fostering technological progress through eco-friendly and decentralised cloud solutions, CUDOS is dedicated to building a more efficient and accessible digital future.

About Kaisar Network

Kaisar Network is a DePIN protocol specifically designed and optimised for decentralised computing and AI. Our mission is to reshape the future of decentralised computing by harnessing AI and blockchain to aggregate spare GPU resources, offering them at significantly reduced costs and rewarding participants for providing their GPUs/computation resources.

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