
Driving Tokenized RWA Adoption in Asia with Tokeny

Driving Tokenized RWA Adoption in Asia with Tokeny
Driving Tokenized RWA Adoption in Asia with Tokeny

We are excited to announce that we have formed a strategic alliance with Tokeny Solutions, a leading tokenization platform.

Together, Klaytn Foundation and Tokeny Solutions will collaboratively explore the provision of a seamless infrastructure for companies to effortlessly issue, manage, and distribute tokenized RWAs on Klaytn, leveraging Tokeny Solutions’ state-of-the-art tokenization platform designed to ensure compliance and interoperability.

Unlike most other crypto projects, the fractionalization and tokenization of RWAs necessitates interaction with off-chain entities and regulations, such as the requirement for tokenized RWA issuers to establish investment vehicles and adhere to strict Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) requirements.

Tokeny Solutions’ platform elegantly resolves this intricate challenge by leveraging the ERC3643 token standard. Through reusable digital identities and verifiable credentials, this standard ensures that only qualified investors can engage in transactions involving tokenized RWAs. Their platform has been used to tokenize more than $28 billion in assets.

“RWA tokenization is rapidly gaining traction in the Asian market,” said Luc Falempin, CEO of Tokeny Solutions. “Drawing from our six-year track record in Europe, we are thrilled to collaborate with Klaytn, extending our expertise to Asia to simplify the capital market through tokenization. As digitization takes center stage in Asia, in line with the efficiency seen in other aspects of daily life, investors are demanding real-time and user-friendly financial services. The time is ripe for Asian issuers to seize this market opportunity, and we’re eager to accelerate their market entry with our platform, enabling them to retain current clients and attract new ones.”

About Tokeny Solutions

Tokeny Solutions provides a compliance infrastructure for digital assets. It allows financial actors operating in private markets to compliantly and seamlessly issue, transfer, and manage securities using distributed ledger technology. By applying trust, compliance, and control on a hyper-efficient infrastructure, Tokeny Solutions enables market participants to unlock significant advancements in the management and liquidity of financial instruments. The company is backed by strategic investors such as Euronext and Inveniam.

Source - Klaytn

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