
Elliptic Brings ChatGPT to Crypto to Power Deeper, Faster Risk Detection

Elliptic Brings ChatGPT to Crypto to Power Deeper, Faster Risk Detection
Elliptic Brings ChatGPT to Crypto to Power Deeper, Faster Risk Detection

Elliptic – the global leader in cryptoasset risk management – announced the integration of ChatGPT, a large language model (LLM) into their off-chain intelligence and research gathering efforts. As the original creator of the blockchain analytics industry, Elliptic’s solutions leverage a proprietary dataset which consists of over a decade’s worth of data. This powers the industry’s most extensive coverage, encompassing over 97% of crypto transactions by trading volume, and the largest collection of crypto exchange risk profiles in the world.

With ChatGPT, Elliptic’s researchers and investigators will be able to synthesize and organize intelligence on new risk factors in higher volumes and at a quicker speed than ever before. This new technology will augment our team’s efforts, allowing them to double down on accuracy and scalability, while the LLM takes care of organizing the data.  

Elliptic was the first to bring blockchain analytics to market, and is the only provider to offer a truly holistic view of cross chain risk. “We pride ourselves in being on the forefront of blockchain innovation, and incorporating cutting-edge technologies to enhance how we work without compromising the high standards for which we are known is part of our DNA,” said CEO Simone Maini, talking of the addition of the LLM to Elliptic’s set of tools.

“Our customers come to us to know exactly their risk exposure. Integrating ChatGPT allows us to scale up our intelligence, giving our customers a view on risk they can’t get anywhere else,” says Jackson Hull, CTO at Elliptic.

Source - Elliptic

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