
Entendre Launches AI Crypto Accounting Assistant for Enterprises

Entendre Launches AI Crypto Accounting Assistant for Enterprises
Entendre Launches AI Crypto Accounting Assistant for Enterprises

Entendre Finance is proud to announce the launch of Entendre Copilot, the first and only digital asset artificial intelligence (AI) accounting assistant for businesses and enterprises.

Entendre Finance is an accounting platform created to streamline blockchain bookkeeping for businesses in Web3. It provides enterprises with tools that help them manage all of their digital asset data, allowing them to make better and faster business decisions.

The launch of Entendre Copilot adds an entirely new suite of tools and insights for users to explore and utilize. The AI accounting assistant is integrated into the entire platform and will offer accuracy and efficiency across all unique aspects of Web3 accounting, allowing businesses to automate their entire crypto accounting cycle.

The addition of Entendre Copilot to its platform will further its goal by leveraging AI automation to modernize a business’s blockchain financial processes.

The Challenges of Crypto Bookkeeping

Web3 promises better transparency, improved security, reduced costs, and new transformative business models. These benefits have made companies open to the possibility of embracing blockchain technology and on-chain transactions.

But in order to do so effectively, companies need to keep a constant eye on their financial health, due to the complexities of transacting in blockchain, something that can only be achieved with accurate accounting.

Last year’s FTX crash was a huge lesson in how incorrect data inputs and analysis from poor crypto accounting practices can lead to bad business decisions that contribute to failure. So it is absolutely crucial that businesses get their Web3 accounting processes right.  

This is what inspired the creation of Entendre Finance. The platform is designed to combine the best user experience (UX) with the best traditional accounting practices so businesses can confidently scale, knowing their financial health.

Using AI to Streamline Crypto Accounting

The automation potential of AI will transform many processes across many different industries. Recognizing this power, Entendre Finance is leveraging AI to improve the user experience in crypto accounting and take it to a whole new level.

The addition of Entendre Copilot, an AI crypto accountant that can be configured to the unique needs of a business, makes Entendre Finance the only full-stacked AI accounting platform for crypto and other digital assets. Web3 enterprises can now automate their entire accounting cycle.

Real-time automation will allow businesses to do away with tedious, expensive, and error-prone blockchain accounting manual processes that drain resources and slow down operations. This means streamlined operations with reduced expenses, improved accuracy, more transparency, and faster access to financial data.

With Entendre Copilot, analysis with natural language will allow users to request real-time reports of blockchain assets. Entendre Copilot can also initiate bookkeeping tasks, removing significant manual work when closing financial books. And it can configure accounts in bulk, streamlining multi-account setup.  

Entendre Finance is designed to integrate with existing infrastructures on all levels. It features single-click integration with Web3 sub-ledgers. And now, as the only AI crypto accounting software, it can handle an increasing volume of transactions without compromising efficiency and accuracy, while providing the best user experience.

About Entendre Finance

Entendre Finance is an enterprise-grade crypto accounting platform that scales with the speed of Web3. It leverages AI to become the super accountant for crypto financial needs. It provides an end-to-end experience where the entire accounting back office of a business’s on-chain financial activity is automated.

Entendre’s goal is to accelerate the transition of businesses to the Web3 economy by alleviating the manual effort and challenges it takes to support the back office for businesses operating in the blockchain space. It achieves this by providing a set of customizable tools that automate the accounting treatment of every on-chain transaction while scaling alongside the business.

Learn more by visiting Entendre’s: Official Website | Twitter | LinkedIn

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