
Extending the Verida Network for Personalized AI with Confidential Compute

Extending the Verida Network for Personalized AI with Confidential Compute
Extending the Verida Network for Personalized AI with Confidential Compute

The AI revolution is undeniable, with a market poised to hit $10 trillion by 2025. But there’s a catch: the data fueling this growth is often centralized, leaving it vulnerable and raising serious privacy concerns.

However, alongside its huge impact lies a looming concern: data privacy. Traditional AI models typically rely on centralized data storage and centralized computation, raising concerns about ownership, control, and potential misuse. Apple’s recent data-sharing practices and HuggingFace’s security breach underscore these risks.

Verida’s Vision: Your Data, Your AI

Verida’s mission has always been clear: empower individuals to own and control their data. Now, we’re taking it further.

The Verida Network has commenced extending its platform to support not just decentralized, privacy preserving databases, but also decentralized, privacy preserving compute suitable for handling personal data.

We’re integrating personal data with leading AI models, ensuring end-to-end privacy. This safeguards your data and unlocks a new era of hyper-personalized AI experiences.

AI is only as good as the data it has access to.

Learn more about the data privacy problems in AI in the previous series we published.

Part 1: Top Three Data Privacy Issues Facing AI Today

Part 2: How web3 and DePIN solves AI’s data privacy problems.

Part 3: Verida is enabling the privacy preserving AI tech stack

Confidential Compute Unlocks New Capabilities

Adding confidential compute to the Verida Network opens up new capabilities to developers and enables powerful new use cases for personal data.

It enables “Personalized API’s” that provide advanced capabilities beyond data storage, such as enabling existing AI prompts and third party applications easy access to personal data via traditional web2 integration methods.

Adding “Personal Data Search” enables hyper-personalization to existing applications, while also enabling existing AI models to leverage private user data — without leaking this to third parties.

For builders on the Verida Network, this new pathway extends capabilities allowing developers to build and offer custom “user agent” code that securely operates on behalf of a user. For example, automating sending messages (email, telegram etc.) or a background agent that runs on behalf of a user, pulling their latest data from centralized API’s every hour, scheduling calendar invites and managing personal tasks and requests. All of this operating in a highly secure, decentralized confidential compute environment, protected by a user’s private keys.

Join Verida in building a user-owed AI future

The Verida network is designed for storing private, personal data. It is a highly performant, low cost, regulatory compliant solution for storing structured database data for any type of application. Data stored on the network is protected with a user’s private key, ensuring they are the only account that can request access to, and encrypt their data.

Verida has always been about allowing individuals to own and be in control of their personal data, enabling their data to benefit them. When Verida was first established, AI was barely a blip, but has now become a huge force and demonstrated great utility across almost every industry sector.

Privacy preserving AI will need access not only to private data, but also preserving computation to train AI models and respond to user prompts.

Our core values and objectives remain; to provide the underlying infrastructure for personal data ownership, and now extend that to support the development of user-owned, privacy preserving AI products.

Through the extension of the Verida Network to support personal confidential compute, there is a very clear pathway to enable personalized, privacy preserving AI leveraging a 100% DePIN technology stack.

This is incredibly exciting, as it will provide a more secure, privacy preserving solution as an alternative to giving all our data to large centralized technology companies.

If you’re a developer looking to future proof your application with private self-sovereign data storage and compute capabilities, get in touch with our experts in our Discord server or register your project for the Verida Ecosystem here.

About Verida

Verida is a pioneering decentralized data network and self-custody wallet that empowers users with control over their digital identity and data. With cutting-edge technology such as zero-knowledge proofs and verifiable credentials, Verida offers secure, self-sovereign storage solutions and innovative applications for a wide range of industries. With a thriving community and a commitment to transparency and security, Verida is leading the charge towards a more decentralized and user-centric digital future. For more information, visit

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