
Gamma Prime Introduces Next-Generation Protocol for Tokenizing Real Yield Strategies

Gamma Prime Introduces Next-Generation Protocol for Tokenizing Real Yield Strategies
Gamma Prime Introduces Next-Generation Protocol for Tokenizing Real Yield Strategies

Gamma Prime is the next-generation protocol for tokenizing real yield strategies from the top global market makers and funds. The regulatory-compliant L1 introduces new yield primitives with complete composability and interoperability. By creating the first protocol for authentic yield generation in DeFi, Gamma Prime democratizes access to returns across crypto and real-world assets for individuals and institutions alike.

Founders & team

Gamma Prime brings together a multi-disciplinary team of market-making industry experts, Web3 veteran innovators, and elite providers of world-class hedge fund infrastructure. The team is led by Evan Szu, a 30-year expert in commodity futures, serial entrepreneur of multiple Web3 and technology startups, veteran machine learning engineer, and Stanford PhD. Together, the founders bring a wealth of experience from the most prestigious market-making and high-frequency trade firms including Citadel, CME Group, CBOE, DV Trading, and WH Trading.

Multi-Strategy Blue Chip Yield

Gamma Prime employs a multi-asset, multi-strategy approach that aims to optimize yield opportunities. Beyond simple basis trading, Gamma Prime brings multiple strategies from the top global arbitrageurs honed over decades of experience to the rich opportunity of greenfield crypto assets. The Gamma Prime protocol is designed with institutional-grade regulatory compliance and infrastructure, enabling the integration of institutional assets into the crypto yield ecosystem.


Gamma Prime brings together traditional finance and DeFi innovation to create the next-generation protocol for tokenizing real yield. The regulatory-compliant L1 democratizes access to the yield-generating strategies developed over decades by the largest most successful investment funds. By leveraging the extensive experience of its team and employing a diverse array of advanced strategies, Gamma Prime is redefining what it means to generate authentic yield in the DeFi ecosystem.

About Gamma Prime

Gamma Prime is the next generation of real yield protocols and a regulatory-compliant L1, tokenizing dozens of yield generation strategies developed over decades by the largest and most successful traditional finance funds, such as Citadel. These strategies are now made available to the masses as new yield primitives with complete composability and interoperability.

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