
Kauri Finance 3.0: a suite of cutting-edge blockchain features for modern banking

Kauri Finance 3.0: a suite of cutting-edge blockchain features for modern banking
Kauri Finance 3.0: a suite of cutting-edge blockchain features for modern banking

The latest iteration of its innovative online banking service, designed to streamline and enhance the financial operations of both individual and business users, Version 3.0 introduces a suite of cutting-edge features:

Crypto Card Integration: Seamlessly manage and utilize your cryptocurrencies with our new crypto card, compatible with both Apple Pay and Google Pay, offering users the flexibility to make everyday purchases easily.

Comprehensive Web and iOS Applications: Access your financial world through our user-friendly web platform and dedicated iOS app, providing intuitive interfaces and secure, on-the-go banking solutions.

Referral Program: Earn rewards by inviting friends and colleagues to join the Kauri Finance community, making banking convenient and rewarding.

For businesses, Kauri Finance 3.0 offers specialized features to simplify and centralize financial management:

KYB Verification: Ensure secure and compliant operations with our streamlined Know Your Business (KYB) verification process, tailored to meet the needs of business accounts.

Unified Account Management: Concentrate all your financial activities and documents for linked accounts in one place, enabling efficient and organized operation management.

A standout feature of Kauri Finance 3.0 is the SWAP functionality, which empowers users to execute complex financial operations within a single order, allowing users to create multistep processes effortlessly.

"Kauri Finance 3.0 is a leap forward in online banking, updating the traditional financial system with the capabilities of the crypto market," said Alex Pavlov, founder and CEO of Kauri.Finance.
"Now, you can combine complex business finance operations with a simple one-in-one app. Just use any cryptocurrency to pay for your children's school, send transfers to your relatives, or simply pay for groceries."

Kauri.Finance 3.0 is now available as a web and iOS application.

About Kauri Finance:

Kauri Finance is a blockchain financial platform that keeps, transfers, and invests fiat money and cryptocurrencies, developed by Kauri One Inc. Customers can access all their funds through Web3 safety boxes, bank cards, and accounts.

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