
Leonardo AI Will Now Use for Unmatched Visual Creativity

Leonardo AI Will Now Use for Unmatched Visual Creativity
Leonardo AI Will Now Use for Unmatched Visual Creativity, a decentralized physical infrastructure network (DePIN), is proud to announce its strategic partnership with Leonardo AI, the creators of an advanced generative AI platform that allows users to create images through text prompts.

This partnership’s main purpose is to give Leonardo AI access to’s powerful GPUs. Under the terms of their agreement, will provide Leonardo AI with 24xA100s from May 1st to August 31st.

Following this initial phase, Leonardo AI will evaluate a longer-term A100 contract with Additionally, Leonardo AI has expressed intent to procure 80xL40s from for annual commitment, pending the finalization of testing.

Founder and CEO of, Ahmad Shadid, expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, “We are proud to support Leonardo AI with our high-performance A100 and L40S GPUs. This partnership underscores our commitment to powering innovative applications in AI and graphics processing. We look forward to seeing how our technology can help Leonardo AI transform visual asset generation, and we are enthusiastic about the prospect of a long-term collaboration.”’s decentralized approach to cloud computing offers users enhanced control and flexibility, aligning with Leonardo AI’s commitment to innovation. Unlike traditional hyperscalers or specialized cloud providers that offer overly expensive GPUs or repackaged AWS, operates on a distributed infrastructure. In turn, it provides services that are permissionless and cost-efficient, reducing users’ cloud AI expenses by up to 90%.

Unmatched Creativity

Users should expect to see a new level of creativity unleashed on the Leonardo AI platform. The partnership will not only offer enhanced performance but also accelerated image production, thanks to’s scalable and efficient GPU solutions. In essence, the creative process in Leonardo AI will undergo a turbo boost, making the entire experience feel more effortless and exciting.

Co-founder and CFO of, Chris Gillis, stated: “ serves a global customer base of creatives across the advertising, film, graphic design, gaming and other industries. With over 16 million users, we have found to be incredibly reliable and cost-effective as we scale our platform to meet global demand. The team has been exceptional to work with, demonstrating a commitment to speed, excellence, and innovation that aligns perfectly with our vision. Together, we are able to deliver market-leading AI image generation to a global, fast-growing audience.”

About is one of the tech industry’s fastest-growing startups democratizing creativity with its generative AI content production platform. Creators can now generate hyper-realistic images in seconds with simple prompts and/or reference images, create videos, sketch with AI, and even custom-train models on their own IP.

Leonardo’s enterprise offering allows creative teams to generate visual assets in real time, leverage private cloud storage, and access enterprise APIs to easily build infrastructure on top of Leonardo’s production platform.  

Since launching in 2022, the company has amassed more than 15 million users worldwide, who have generated over one billion images. is currently being used across creative industries such as advertising and marketing, design and architecture, film, fashion,  photography, e-commerce, education, and more.

Stay tuned in to all things by following the platform on social media:

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About is a decentralized GPU network revolutionizing cloud computing through its distributed infrastructure and tokenized ecosystem. Committed to democratizing access to computing power, connects users with a global network of GPU providers, ensuring scalability, accessibility, and efficiency in computational tasks.

To stay up to date on announcements and news, follow the platform on social media:

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