
MultiversX Blockchain Node Services Are Now Available On Google Cloud

MultiversX Blockchain Node Services Are Now Available On Google Cloud
MultiversX Blockchain Node Services Are Now Available On Google Cloud

Businesses together with the millions of developers on Google Cloud can now discover MultiversX technology, customize, manage, and deploy solutions for decentralized applications.

The giant cloud services marketplace provider now enables quick snapshotless observing squad setup for streamlined deployment of shard-agnostic infrastructure, which swiftly handles the particularities of the network in terms of sharding.


Also referred to as "1-click", the node hosting solution allows developers to connect their products to the MultiversX network and perform operations requested by users. This includes both reading and writing data on the blockchain.

Google Cloud Blockchain Services for MultiversX

Google’s support for MultiversX nodes in a simple manner simplifies development and opens blockchain’s unique properties, like ownership, transparency and immutability, to the increasing number of enterprise, institutions and startups that are seeking ways to adopt them.

The new enterprise-grade solution is a great addition to the existing developer friendly environment on MultiversX. Renowned for the ease of building and writing smart contracts in popular programming languages (i.e Rust/C/C++/JS/etc), and the complementary robust testing tooling as foundation for safer code.

The news comes after the very recent move in which MultiversX blockchain data has become available in BigQuery, to help researchers, analysts and product people explore metrics, user behaviors or improvement points in their applications.

Just like the usefulness of the internet increased as barriers had fallen, blockchain is similarly following.

Be on MultiversX - the production-ready blockchain with generalized abstraction, global performance and inexpensiveness to use and deploy on-chain products.

About Google Cloud

Google Cloud Platform is a suite of cloud computing services that provides a series of modular cloud services including computing, data storage, data analytics, and machine learning, alongside a set of management tools.

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