
Ouinex Crosses $2 Million USD After Historic Public Sale Turnout

The raise will help launch one of Web3’s most sophisticated crypto asset exchanges with ultra low latency price discovery

Ouinex Crosses $2 Million USD After Historic Public Sale Turnout
Ouinex Crosses $2 Million USD After Historic Public Sale Turnout

Ouinex, the crypto asset exchange platform focused on low latency, superior settlement and advanced trading functionalities, is pleased to announce it has crossed the $2 million dollar mark for the pre-seed round amidst one of the greatest bear markets across Web3 and capital markets.

The $2M USD fundraising round was completed entirely by Ouinex users, with over 1000 FX, CFDs and equities traders around the world investing into the development of one of the most ambitious crypto asset exchange platforms in the industry. After hiring TradFi and Web3 veteran Alexandre Debieb as their Head of Technologies, this fundraising guarantees Ouinex’s commitment to launch their state of the art trading platform in early 2024.

This fundraise represents the unequivocal confidence our users have in our ability to build one of the best performing crypto asset exchange platforms in the world,” said Ouinex’ CEO Ilies Larbi.

Alexandre Debieb, Head of Technologies, added, “The oversubscription of our pre-seed financing round enables us to secure the technical resources and best in class technologies required to launch our state of the art platform in early 2024.”

By bringing TradeFi infrastructure over to Web3, Ouinex is building a platform that supports sophisticated traders and can offer price transparency, fastest trade execution times in the industry, with globally competitive asset pricing and service fees. For more information please visit Ouinex here.

About Ouinex

Ouinex is a bleeding edge digital asset exchange; by prioritizing transparency, liquidity, and sophistication, Ouinex delivers an institutional-level trading experience for beginners and experts alike. For more information about Ouinex, please see their website.

Media contact

Robert Penington

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