
Ozean Partners with Velodrome to Enhance Liquidity for Real-World Assets

Ozean Partners with Velodrome to Enhance Liquidity for Real-World Assets
Ozean Partners with Velodrome to Enhance Liquidity for Real-World Assets

Ozean, the blockchain for Real-World Asset (RWA) yield being launched by Clearpool, is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with Velodrome, a MetaDEX that serves as the central liquidity hub for the Optimism Superchain — a network of Layer 2 chains.

Under this partnership, Velodrome will expand to the Ozean blockchain as its anchor decentralized exchange (DEX). With a reputation for low fees, robust trading infrastructure, a user-friendly interface, gauges, incentives, and a self-optimizing liquidity flywheel, Velodrome has emerged as the leading platform for traders seeking efficient and secure decentralized exchange solutions.

Velodrome’s unique combination of the best elements from Curve, Convex, UniV2, and UniV3 into a single, streamlined protocol will provide the essential liquidity and incentives needed to support the growth of the Ozean blockchain.

Ozean, with its seamless integration of RWAs in a compliant and user-friendly manner, is at the forefront of revolutionizing decentralized finance (DeFi). Ozean enables users to earn native yield on-chain automatically, providing the essential infrastructure for the institutional adoption and development of blockchain financial markets, where RWAs can be traded or used as collateral with enhanced functionalities.

As Ozean’s RWA ecosystem scales, focusing on fostering interoperability between permissioned and permissionless protocols, seamless integration with chains such as Base becomes crucial, creating future opportunities with the rapidly growing ecosystem.

The partnership between Ozean and Velodrome is not just a collaboration but a strategic move crucial in ensuring the liquidity necessary for the rapid development and success of Ozean’s growing ecosystem.

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