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Q3 State of Crypto: Market Pulse

Binance Research (JieXuan Chua, CFA, Jin Ming Neo, Keng Ying Sim, Nicholas Tan Yi Da)

Q3 State of Crypto: Market Pulse
Q3 State of Crypto: Market Pulse

Market Pulse is a compilation of key charts and insights by Binance Research, shedding light on the state of crypto.

Market Overview: Q3 was a challenging quarter. Total crypto market capitalization declined by 8.6% QoQ amidst a challenging market environment. Nonetheless, institutional adoption continued to gain traction.

Layer 1s & 2s: Activity on L1s has generally fallen across the board. Ethereum L2s have seen signs of rejuvenation with the launch of Base driving transaction activity.

DeFi: Total value locked (“TVL”) in DeFi declined 13.1% QoQ to US$38.5B, contributed by low DeFi yields, a risk-off environment, and a decline in ETH price.

NFTs: Q3 marked the worst quarter for NFT sales in nearly three years, at US$299M in sales. This can be attributed to a decline in floor prices of most collections and the price of ETH.

Gaming: The gaming landscape was led by BNB Chain, Ethereum, and Polygon, with around 66% market share (by number of games).


Source - Binance Research

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Binance Research
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