
QuillAudits is Securing Web3, One Audit at a Time

QuillAudits is Securing Web3, One Audit at a Time
QuillAudits is Securing Web3, One Audit at a Time

Having secured over $30 billion across 1,000+ audits on top blockchains like Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, Arbitrum, and BSC, QuillAudits is making a name for itself as a go-to security provider.

While several security firms offer solid auditing services, QuillAudits aims for the top, thanks to its specialized approach across 20+ blockchain ecosystems. With 0 reported exploits so far, QuillAudits provides the kind of tailored security solutions that give teams the confidence for their launch safely.

From cross-chain decentralized exchanges (DEXs) to innovative superchains, here’s a snapshot of their recent audit highlights.

1. Eddy Finance

Eddy Finance is revolutionizing the way cross-chain transfers happen, eliminating the need for wrapped assets and allowing direct transactions with native tokens. During the audit, QuillAudits identified 6 issues, including the infamous re-entrancy bug in StableSwap and the potential for LP tokens to be transferred to empty addresses. All vulnerabilities have been mitigated, ensuring that Eddy’s codebase is now rock-solid.

Full audit details: Eddy Finance Report

2. SlashVisionLabs

SlashVisionLabs introduced features like ownership control, minting limitations, and meta-transaction support. QuillAudits discovered 3 issues, including a centralization risk that posed a potential failure point. All issues have been resolved, and the contract is now safe for deployment.

The full audit: SlashVisionLabs Report

3. XProtocol

With backing from names like Saison Capital and Dragonfly, XProtocol is reshaping digital entertainment on Base Layer 2. QuillAudits found 10 issues during their audit, one being stale values in the _promoCodesByRecipient function. All concerns have been addressed, ensuring XProtocol’s smart contracts are secure and ready for prime time in the entertainment sector.

The audit report: XProtocol Report

4. AirLyft

AirLyft is designed to fuel Web3 growth with features like token and NFT giveaways. During the audit, 5 issues were discovered, including a flaw in handling Fee on transfer tokens.

QuillAudits ensured these were corrected, giving AirLyft a strong foundation to scale safely.

The audit: AirLyft Report

5. Fringe Finance

Fringe Finance takes lending to a new level with features like partial liquidations, but their smart contracts needed scrutiny. QuillAudits found 4 issues, such as an inflation attack risk and a missing check in the ChainlinkPriceProvider’s min price. All have been mitigated, ensuring Fringe Finance is ready for secure lending operations.

Full audit breakdown: Fringe Finance Report

About QuillAudits

QuillAudits is a leading smart contract security firm renowned for its flawless track record and 0 exploits. Having conducted over 1,000 audits across 20+ blockchains, including any L1/L2 like Ethereum, BSC, & Solana, QuillAudits provides rigorous, customized security assessments. Their expertise ensures that Web3 projects remain secure and reliable.

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