
Solidity Finance Announces Company Rebrand to SourceHat

Solidity Finance has announced a major change to the company that will take place in the upcoming months. Starting on August 28th the company will be operating under a new name, “SourceHat”, aiming to expand its operations to serve the larger Web3 space.

Solidity Finance Announces Company Rebrand to SourceHat
Solidity Finance Announces Company Rebrand to SourceHat

Solidity Finance is an industry-leading provider of auditing services for smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and the firm has worked tirelessly over the past several years to build its reputation to become what it is today. While the company’s name is well known at this point, this rebrand is an important first step in expanding the company to better align with its long-term mission and deliver greater value to its clients.

During this rebranding phase, both the Solidity.Finance and domains will serve the same site. After the transition to the new name, Solidity.Finance will permanently redirect to the website. There will not be any changes to the ownership, staff, or procedures during this transition. The company's dedication to providing the highest level of customer satisfaction possible will remain the same.

The name SourceHat perfectly encapsulates the company’s objectives as white hat hackers that solve source code problems. With an impressive track record of over 1700 audits completed for projects that represent a cumulative $50 billion in on-chain value, the company has consistently made strides to enhance the Web3 ecosystem.

In addition to smart contract auditing, the company is working hard to streamline custom smart contract development, back-end development, KYC verification procedures, server penetration testing, and more services in the near future.

All previous audit report links will still be live on the Solidity.Finance domain and will later redirect to The technical content of the audit reports will not change with this new domain and the company is committed to ensuring that this rebrand does not impact any of their client’s previously completed audit reports. The company has provided updated branding guidelines on its website to provide logo assets and further information on both brands.

Solidity Finance would like to thank its clients and community members for their continued support and use of their services. If you have any feedback or questions regarding the change, please feel free to reach out directly to the team on Telegram at @Solidity_Finance or visit their blog on their recently redesigned website!

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