
Stablecoin protocol Usual launches mainnet and launches points activity

Usual is a stablecoin protocol that launched USD0, a permissionless and fully compliant stablecoin backed 1:1 by real-world assets (RWA), and USUAL, the project's governance token.

Stablecoin protocol Usual launches mainnet and launches points activity
Stablecoin protocol Usual launches mainnet and launches points activity
Image : Usual

The stablecoin protocol Usual announced that its mainnet has been officially launched and the points activity has been launched simultaneously.

Early participating users can obtain more points Usual Pills by providing liquidity or by minting and holding USD0++.

With these points, they can obtain USUAL tokens during the airdrop.

The tokens distributed in the points activity account for 7.5% of the USUAL supply minted in TGE.

The activity started at 22:30 on July 10, 2024 and lasts for 4 months.

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