
Stratos x WORLD3: Decentralizing On-Chain Entertainment

Stratos x WORLD3: Decentralizing On-Chain Entertainment
Stratos x WORLD3: Decentralizing On-Chain Entertainment

We’re excited to announce a powerful collaboration between Stratos and WORLD3 — the next-generation AI-powered Autonomous World that bridges Bitcoin with Turing-complete blockchains. Together, we’re transforming on-chain entertainment through decentralized, immersive, user-generated content.

Stratos’ decentralized storage capabilities are the backbone of this revolution, ensuring that vast amounts of data are stored securely and processed efficiently. WORLD3 offers a dynamic environment where AI-driven experiences evolve based on user interaction, while Stratos provides the scalable, reliable infrastructure needed to store and process this data seamlessly and decentralizedly.

The future of on-chain entertainment is here — join us in shaping it! 🌐✨

About Stratos

Stratos is building the next-generation decentralised cloud that provides a scalable, reliable, self-balanced storage, database, and computation network all in one. Stratos strives to become the most solid cornerstone of the new era of decentralisation, to power Dapps with a reliable and fully decentralised foundation. Stratos’ unique Proof-of-Traffic consensus rewards network participants and contributors with network traffic.

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