
Swiss Payment Forum 2023: Instant Payment in the Starting Blocks

Swiss Payment Forum 2023: Instant Payment in the Starting Blocks
Swiss Payment Forum 2023: Instant Payment in the Starting Blocks

From August 2024, large banks in Switzerland shall be able to  process Instant Payments. The European Commission even goes one step further and wants to  make Instant Payments the "new normal" in the SEPA system. In addition to high availability,  "Instants" are to become cheaper, more trustworthy, and easier to process. Additional services,  such as the IBAN-name-check, to show discrepancies between the name of the payee and the  IBAN, should ensure fewer errors in transfers. The introduction of Instant Payment is not trivial  for banks and has far-reaching effects on their IT infrastructure.  

Instant Payment is also one of the main topics at this year's Swiss Payment Forum. While  Christian Fink (van den Berg) will focus on the developments in the EU and Switzerland, Daniele  Astarita (ACI Worldwide) will give insights into worldwide Instant Payment projects and Patrick  Juffern (INFORM) will look at the security risks and risk assessment of financial service  providers in the EU.

Moreover, the two-day conference will cover topics such as the latest payment technologies,  including Embedded Payments and digital wallets, security standards in payments and  Sustainable Finance. Furthermore, regulatory changes as well as trends in Cryptocurrencies, digital payment options such as the digital Swiss Franc and the role of payments in the  Metaverse will be highlighted.

In over 10 years, the Swiss Payment Forum has established itself as an industry meeting place.  As a central information and networking event, the conference offers excellent opportunities to  learn from top-class presentations and to make valuable contacts.

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