
T-RIZE Group and Texture Capital Announce Strategic Partnership to Unlock U.S. Market Liquidity

T-RIZE Group and Texture Capital Announce Strategic Partnership to Unlock U.S. Market Liquidity
T-RIZE Group and Texture Capital Announce Strategic Partnership to Unlock U.S. Market Liquidity

T-RIZE Group, a blockchain powered tokenization and fundraising solution for sports clubs, real estate assets, private credit, carbon credit structures and other financial instruments, proudly announces a strategic partnership with Texture Capital Inc., a FINRA member broker-dealer specializing in digital securities. This collaboration leverages Texture Capital's Alternative Trading System (ATS) infrastructure, providing T-RIZE clients with access to U.S. investors, liquidity opportunities and enhanced global capital-raising efforts.

Under the leadership of industry veterans from Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec (CDPQ), Otéra Capital, and ITG (Acquired by VIRTU FINANCIAL), T-RIZE Group is leveraging advanced blockchain technologies designed to enhance the liquidity and efficiency of high-value assets while reducing financing and administrative costs. T-RIZE is currently onboarding numerous new residential construction projects, demonstrating the product market fit and traction of its technology solutions.

Key Benefits of This Partnership

For Investors:

  • Enhanced Returns: Tokenized investments in real estate, private credit, and carbon credit structures aim to offer enhanced liquidity and yield diversification, which can improve the investment opportunity set.

For Asset Owners:

  • Expanded Access to Capital: Seamlessly distribute your assets to U.S. investors, broadening your reach and attracting a potentially more diverse investor base.
  • Cost Efficiency: Streamlined access to capital aims to reduce transaction costs and expedite the fundraising process.
  • Compliance and Security: Utilizing Texture Capital's Alternative Trading System (ATS) and adhering to ERC-3643 standards for compliant Smart Token emission designed to enable secure and regulatory-compliant transactions.

For the Market:

  • Operational Excellence: Integrating blockchain with traditional investment strategies aims to reduce overhead and operational costs, bolster overall market efficiency and improve accessibility to various asset sectors, including real estate, private credit, and carbon credits.

Strategic Vision

Madani Boukalba, Co-Founder & CEO of T-RIZE Group, stated: "Our partnership with Texture Capital underscores our commitment to democratizing access to high-quality assets. This collaboration not only fortifies our capabilities but also broadens the horizon for fundraising and investment opportunities across multiple sectors on a global scale, ensuring full compliance and operational efficiency."

Richard Johnson, CEO of Texture Capital, commented: "This strategic partnership affirms our position as a leader in digital securities infrastructure, and our partnership with T-RIZE allows us to offer a broader portfolio of tokenized assets to our network. Tokenized securities sourced by T-RIZE will be listed on our ATS giving investors potential secondary liquidity opportunities in these markets."

Unlock New Market Opportunities with T-RIZE Group and Texture Capital

T-RIZE Group's blockchain powered fundraising solutions will enable access to U.S. investors via Texture Capital's distribution network and regulatory licenses. Our tokenization services are designed to reduce costs, enhance efficiency, and accelerate project funding. With the system already operational and integrated, you can immediately unlock the full potential of your assets and elevate your financial strategy with this partnership. Contact us today to explore how we can support your capital-raising initiatives.

About Texture Capital

Texture Capital is a FINRA member and SEC-registered broker-dealer specializing in digital securities. We empower clients to compliantly issue tokens representing equity, debt, revenue share, royalties, or other investment contracts. Leveraging blockchain technology and smart contracts, we aim to transform the traditional capital markets' structure, offering tools for issuance, tokenization, and secondary market trading via our Alternative Trading System.

For more information, please visit Texture Capital's website.

About T-RIZE Group

T-RIZE Group is at the forefront of the tokenization of real-world assets, including real estate, private credit, and carbon credit structures. Our approach integrates advanced blockchain technology and decentralized machine learning aiming to convert high-quality assets into more liquid and efficient investments. With deep technical expertise, strong institutional market insights, and strategic connectivity to distributors and brokers, we provide comprehensive tokenization services, from legal structuring to market distribution, with a focus on the highest standards for compliance and security. Through its partnership with Quebec's École de Technologie Superieure, T-RIZE is at the forefront of blockchain  innovation (link). Our adherence to ERC-3643 standards for compliant Smart Token emission allows us to connect valuable assets with a global investor base, offering a technology forward approach over traditional methods. Visit for more information.

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