
The Future of Fashion is Digital: SYKY Unveils 10 Designers Poised to Disrupt the Fashion Industry

Recognized as a distinguished World Economic Forum 2023 Tech Pioneer, SYKY aims to bridge established luxury fashion with digital fashion, forging a path toward inclusive accessibility within the fashion industry.

The Future of Fashion is Digital: SYKY Unveils 10 Designers Poised to Disrupt the Fashion Industry
The Future of Fashion is Digital: SYKY Unveils 10 Designers Poised to Disrupt the Fashion Industry

SYKY, a luxury digital fashion platform, announces the distinguished lineup of 10 global digital fashion designers comprising the inaugural class of The SYKY Collective. The Collective is decentralizing the luxury fashion industry by bringing together talents from various backgrounds and locations who challenge the status quo, fostering inclusivity and paving the way for a more diverse and dynamic future in fashion.


This group will embark on an immersive year-long incubator program meticulously designed to cultivate and propel digital design talent to new heights. Under the guidance of the esteemed SYKY Mentors, The SYKY Collective places significant emphasis on brand building and the scaling of designers, guiding them from emerging brands to becoming household names in the industry. With a curriculum tailored to amplify business scalability, access to cutting-edge digital design tools, and a deep dive into digital worlds and web3 technology, these talented designers are poised to revolutionize the industry and launch the luxury fashion houses of tomorrow.

When: The SYKY Collective will undergo a year-long incubation program commencing in July 2023. The Collective is anticipated to launch their debut collections on later this year.

Who: The SYKY Collective will be composed of 10 global digital designers, and is backed by the entire SYKY community, including the SYKY Collective Mentors.

  • Alice Delahunt is the Founder and CEO of SYKY. With decades of experience, Alice is a luxury fashion expert. She began her career in the fashion industry at Burberry as Global Director of Digital & Social, and then transitioned to Chief Digital & Content Officer at Ralph Lauren.
  • SYKY Collective Mentors: SYKY partnered with prominent fashion and media players to participate in mentoring the SYKY Collective. Mentors include, Jonathan Bottomley, CMO of Calvin Klein; the British Fashion Council; Mark Guiducci, Creative Editorial Director at Vogue; Megan Kaspar, founding member of Red DAO; Sabine Le Marchand, Creative Director at Frosty; and best-selling author and foremost authority on the Metaverse Matthew Ball.

  • SYKY Collective Inaugural Class: Spanning across Dominican Republic, China, Nigeria, and Italy, this diverse class of 10 designers from 10 different countries showcases a range of innovative approaches to digital fashion and its intersection with luxury and elevated taste.
  • Pet Liger, Cyprus: Breakout Web3 fashion house and design studio disrupting the footwear industry, and was featured as a seminal designer of the Gucci Vault collab.
  • Stephy Fung, United Kingdom: Digital fashion artist who fuses contemporary fashion elements with her Chinese heritage for major brands such as Paco Rabanne, Jo Malone, and Snapchat.
  • GlitchOfMind, Dominican Republic: Visual artist and photographer innovating garment designs through blending VR Sculpting and AI for 3D avatars.
  • Calvyn Dylin Justus, South Africa: Multimedia digital artist inspired by the movements of the natural world and how to create garments and art that bridge these worlds.
  • Taskin Goec, Germany: Mixed reality visionary fusing his technical skills of spatial computing with an avant garde flair for phygital garments.
  • Fanrui Sun, China: Digital visual artist inspired by ultramodern aesthetics and how to push the boundaries of textiles and fabrics in spatial environments.
  • Nextberries, Nigeria: Elevated fashion house that combines heritage with technology to design unisex apparel with a focus on the metaverse.
  • Gustavo Toledo, Brazil: 3D creative focused on the intersection of science, fashion, and art, and how to make fashion more accessible and intersectional.
  • Felipe Fiallo, Italy: Eco-futurist footwear designer driven by implementing cradle-to-cradle sustainable design principles in the footwear sector.
  • Jacquelyn Jade, USA: Immersive technology creator rendering artistic visions in both augmented, virtual, and physical environments.

For a comprehensive overview of the 10 digital designers please see here.

Why: SYKY believes that the future of the fashion industry is undeniably rooted in both digital and physical realms. Recognizing this transformative shift, SYKY's goal is to drive innovation, support and empower digital-native designers and help integrate their role in the current fashion landscape through the SYKY Collective. SYKY seeks to shape the future of fashion by harnessing the immense potential of digital design, leveraging cutting-edge technology, and fostering a community of forward-thinking designers. By investing in the growth and development of these global designers, SYKY paves the way for the emergence of revolutionary luxury fashion houses that embrace the digital realm and redefine the boundaries of style and expression.

About SYKY: SYKY is a luxury fashion platform building the foundation for the future of fashion. In January 2023, SYKY closed its $10.5M Series A Funding Round, led by Seven Seven Six. Shortly after, SYKY launched its Keystone collection, a membership pass for fashion enthusiasts, leaders and collectors who aim to shape the future of fashion in digital, physical and augmented worlds. SYKY debuted digital designers during NYFW23, and has since partnered with leading established fashion brands to bridge the gap between the world of luxury fashion, digital design and Web3.

To learn more about SYKY, please visit us on Instagram, Twitter, Discord, TikTok. Additional information can be found in the SYKY media kit.


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