
Valor Capital Pioneers Crypto-Real Estate Transactions in Tampa Bay Area

Valor Capital closes its first luxury condo at Serena by the Sea using cryptocurrency, marking a $1M+ milestone in Tampa Bay real estate. This move underscores Valor's commitment to innovation and meeting global investors' needs.

Valor Capital Pioneers Crypto-Real Estate Transactions in Tampa Bay Area
Valor Capital Pioneers Crypto-Real Estate Transactions in Tampa Bay Area

Valor Capital is proud to announce its first successful closing of a luxury condominium at Serena by the Sea using cryptocurrency, marking a significant milestone in the Tampa Bay area real estate market. This transaction, valued at over $1 million USD, highlights Valor Capital's commitment to innovation and the future of real estate transactions.

The buyer, an international investor, leveraged what many perceive as flexibility and efficiency of cryptocurrency to purchase this premium property. The transaction involved converting the buyer's cryptocurrency into stablecoin. This groundbreaking sale is believed to be one of the first crypto-related transactions (if not the first) over $1 million USD in the Tampa Bay area, further establishing Valor Capital as a leader in luxury real estate and financial innovation.

A federally registered money service business and Florida-licensed money transmitter managed the conversion process for this transaction. Specializing in crypto-to-fiat conversion, this company assists international clients in purchasing U.S. real estate and other high-value assets by collecting foreign currencies and digital assets, converting them to dollars and wiring the funds to vendors.

Valor Capital is in discussions with a leading platform specializing in blockchain and crypto transactions to explore the use of their specialized closing services. This platform has been instrumental in integrating cryptocurrency into the real estate market, with notable achievements including the historic sale of a Gulfport home via NFT for approximately $631,790 and other significant transactions across the U.S.

This transaction reflects how Valor Capital is continuously evolving to meet the needs of today's global investors. By incorporating innovative financial tools like cryptocurrency into our real estate offerings, we provide our clients with greater flexibility and assurance. Our focus remains on delivering tailored solutions that align with the diverse preferences of our international buyers, allowing them to confidently invest in luxury properties that offer lasting value." - Moises Agami, CEO of Valor Capital
At Valor Capital, we are always looking for ways to innovate and provide our clients with cutting-edge solutions. This closing using cryptocurrency opens new doors for international buyers and sets a precedent for future luxury real estate transactions." said Regina Sotomayor, VP of Sales and Marketing at Valor Capital.

Serena by the Sea continues to attract discerning buyers with exceptional luxury and state-of-the-art amenities. With this latest sale, Valor Capital is paving the way for what should be more secure, transparent, and efficient real estate transactions, catering to the evolving needs of global investors.

About Valor Capital

Valor Capital is a team of entrepreneurs passionate about creating world-class real estate experiences. They are an affiliate: a new venture spinoff of international development firm, Terra Capital Partners SA de CV (Terra Capital Partners). With a four-decade history of real estate developments in office, hospitality, medical, commercial, and luxury residential product offerings - and a multi-billion-dollar portfolio and tens of millions of square feet already developed and sold - Valor's developments are always on the cutting edge, with proprietary antiviral engineering design used throughout the firm's newest developments.

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