
XYO and Upland Partner to Transform Web3 Gaming and Data Sovereignty

XYO and Upland Partner to Transform Web3 Gaming and Data Sovereignty
XYO and Upland Partner to Transform Web3 Gaming and Data Sovereignty

XYO, a decentralized infrastructure and data sovereignty leader, and Upland, the premier immersive Web3 gaming platform, are excited to announce a strategic partnership to develop groundbreaking use cases for gamified virtual and real-world locations.

As brands increasingly explore innovative Web3 models, they seek solutions offering seamlessly integrated physical presence with their digital ventures. XYO and Upland, both trailblazers in the Web3 space with extensive communities, are uniquely positioned to deliver these solutions.

XYO’s COIN app leverages crowd-sourced geospatial data verified by the XYO Network to reward users worldwide with digital assets. Meanwhile, Upland offers an expansive Web3 platform where users can own, trade, and develop virtual properties mapped to real-world addresses. Its recently launched utility token, SPARKLET, supports a broad range of creators in their world-building activities. This collaboration allows for a new level of interaction between physical and virtual spaces.

Both companies will introduce the first features in their respective apps starting in October 2024. Users can participate in Learn & Earn campaigns in XYO’s COIN app, which will reward them in the app and Upland upon completion.

“XYO’s upcoming ‘Learn & Earn’ initiative within the COIN App is a seamless extension of our mission to harness the power of location and other forms of data in the real world,” says Markus Levin, Co-founder of XYO. “With a network that has engaged over 8 million nodes, our partnership with Upland expands XYO’s ability to incentivize users to take control of and benefit from their data. Upland’s vast virtual property ecosystem aligns perfectly with XYO’s geospatial technology, empowering users to earn rewards as they explore and interact within digital and real-world environments. Together, we are bridging the gap between the physical and virtual world, unlocking new opportunities for participation and rewards through validated, location-based data and beyond.”

“We’re thrilled to join forces with XYO to pioneer new ways for users to experience the convergence of the physical and virtual worlds,” says Dirk Lueth, Co-founder & Co-CEO of Uplandme, Inc. “This partnership will unlock powerful synergies between Upland’s expansive virtual ecosystem and XYO’s expertise in geospatial technology, empowering users to engage with real-world locations in innovative and meaningful ways.”

Founded in 2018 and 2019 respectively, XYO and Upland have been pioneers in blending web2 and web3 technologies, adopting a “web5” approach with mobile-first solutions and streamlined user experiences. Their collaboration will introduce innovative cross-gamified experiences, starting with Upland being featured in COIN App’s upcoming “Learn & Earn” initiative, which rewards users for learning about and engaging with partners like Upland.

About XYO

XYO is a Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network (DePIN) offering a comprehensive ecosystem of consumer software, developer tools, a decentralized network, and digital assets. XYO facilitates data aggregation, validation, and use, empowering participants with data sovereignty and rewarding them with the XYO token. The ecosystem supports applications in AI, metaverse environments, and data analytics with immutable blockchain data.

About Upland

Upland is an immersive Web3 gaming platform that maps virtual properties to real-world addresses, enabling true ownership and dynamic interaction within its digital economy. Through its utility token, $SPARKLET, Upland supports a vibrant entrepreneurial and creator ecosystem where users can buy, sell, trade, and develop assets. Available on iOS, Android, and the web, Upland is dedicated to creating one of the largest digital open economies for the metaverse.

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