
Dex223 Multi-Chain Deployment: A Game-Changer for Crypto Exchange Accessibility

Dex223 Multi-Chain Deployment: A Game-Changer for Crypto Exchange Accessibility
Dex223 Multi-Chain Deployment: A Game-Changer for Crypto Exchange Accessibility

DEX223, a decentralized exchange (DEX) that adopts the ERC-223 token standard, has offered security, gas efficiency, and full decentralization without needing to Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures or account suspensions. The pre-sale rounds have been completed, and the public ICO round is ongoing.

D223 tokens can be purchased with various cryptocurrencies, including USDT, USDC, ETH, and DAI, through the Ethereum main net. Tokens can also be acquired by connecting a Web3 wallet and completing the purchase details in the token sale form, allowing the use of stablecoins for payment. Dex223 represents a significant advancement in Ethereum's token evolution, emphasizing security and efficiency for crypto trading after seven years of development.

With features like Encapsulated Margin Trading and Transparent Auto-Listing tailored for professional traders, Dex223 is developing and has demonstrated amazing initial test results. Supported by a team of experienced security auditors, smart contract developers, and marketing specialists, Dex223 embodies Dexaran's vision for a more secure trading ecosystem, to promote wider crypto adoption.

Some of the key features of Dex223 are as follows:

Solving a real problem:

Dex223 supports the ERC-223 standard to address issues with ERC-20 tokens, aiming to prevent millions of dollars in losses annually.

Maximizing chain support:

Dex223 will be deployed on various EVM-compatible chains, becoming one of the most network-supportive exchanges in the industry.

Non-discrimination policy:

Dex223 allows the listing of any token, including meme coins, providing an inclusive solution.

Financial transparency:

The usage of ICO funds is transparent and publicly accessible, ensuring financial accountability.

Dex223 enables users to import token lists from or import tokens from the auto-listing contract, allowing decentralized token listings without permission. Revenue from listing fees will be redistributed among D223 token holders, with fees configurable through voting sessions. Dex223's tokenomics model is based on Ethereum's successful launch model.

Development Timeline:

The development timeline of the Dex223 is as following

May 2024: Prototype release

May 2024: Auto-listing contract deployment

June 2024: Test net deployment and public testing

June-July 2024: Margin trading module release

August-September 2024: Initial deployment on Ethereum main net

October 2024: Deployment on EOS EVM & BSC

For more information about Dex223 and to take part in the public ICO, please contact them on

Website | X | Telegram | Discord

About Dex223:

DEX223 aims to introduce several revolutionary concepts that will drastically improve security, make token listings as easy and transparent as possible, and allow on-platform lending of assets.

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