
Enable DeFi to Launch Nukem Loans

Enable DeFi to Launch Nukem Loans
Enable DeFi to Launch Nukem Loans

Enable DeFi, a subsidiary of Enreach, is preparing to launch Nukem Loans, an isolated lending protocol designed specifically for high-risk meme projects with deep liquidity and large communities. After 18 months of dedicated work and over 50 iterations, Enable DeFi has perfected their smart contracts to revolutionize the industry and empower projects with strong communities but limited utility.

The team developed a cutting-edge system based on the rebasing ERC-4626 vault standard and non-transferable tokens and quickly recognized the significance of their new technology. After they rebranded to Enable DeFi, and established a UAE-based company, they strategically chose to launch the protocol's v1.0 as Nukem Loans, targeting the extremely volatile meme coin market.

The unique design includes "Debt and Collateral Tokens" residing in users' wallets, triggering automatic liquidation when the Debt Token surpasses the predefined liquidation point set by the Collateral Token. To enhance the liquidation process, Enable DeFi created Swapper, a tool that scans liquidity across Automated Market Makers (AMMs) for efficient and secure liquidations. This further solidifies Nukem Loans as a top lending protocol.

The launch date for the NUKEM token is set for June, aiming to differentiate from typical cash-grab launches in the crypto space. Community and team funds (~$350k) will be used to purchase the majority of the circulating supply once liquidity pairs are established on UniSwap (ETH) and PancakeSwap (BNB). Community tokens will be staked for six months and distributed as a fee-bearing sNUKEM token. Team tokens will support market-making activities on centralized exchanges after a 10-day lock-up period.

Nukem Loans offers an advanced isolated lending protocol tailored for meme coins, incentivizing both lending liquidity providers and sNUKEM holders through revenue distribution. With a strong foundation of approximately 80 community members securing allocations totalling $150,000 ($350k with team funds), Nukem Loans anticipates an immediate market capitalization surge to reach ~$13 million upon trading activation.

Enable DeFi invites pioneers to join the revolution and rewrite the rules of DeFi lending.

Media Enquiries
Mr S. Khan

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