
Flux Partners with Alephium: Launches Node Hosting Contest to Drive Decentralization

Flux Partners with Alephium: Launches Node Hosting Contest to Drive Decentralization
Flux Partners with Alephium: Launches Node Hosting Contest to Drive Decentralization

Flux is reshaping industries by providing decentralized alternatives to traditional centralized services. In various sectors like hosting, GPU Compute, AI and blockchain infrastructure, our solutions are bringing cost-efficiency, scalability, and privacy to the forefront.

Flux’s recent partnership announcement with Alephium marks another leap forward as it has now graduated from the FluxLabs Incubator programme, to a full blown partnership. This partnership will see Flux hosting Alephiums full nodes to enhance decentralization and offer more solutions, providing a robust and accessible platform for operators.

How Does Flux Come In?

Flux is set to decentralize Alephium’s infrastructure by integrating its full nodes into the FluxCloud Marketplace, providing the necessary computing power to scale and maintain the network. With FluxCloud, Alephium can distribute its nodes across a decentralized cloud infrastructure, enhancing the performance, redundancy, and security of the Alephium network.

Flux’s extensive resources, which spread globally, will ensure that Alephium can efficiently handle the computing demands of its growing ecosystem. This partnership will not only enhance the decentralization of Alephium’s nodes but also make it easier for users to run nodes and participate in the network with minimal barriers.

The partnership also aligns with Flux’s commitment to building an interoperable and decentralized Web3 ecosystem. By joining forces, Flux and Alephium will create a more resilient and cost-effective infrastructure that enables users to contribute to and benefit from the decentralized future.

For developers, this partnership brings an optimized environment to build and deploy applications. With decentralized nodes hosted on FluxCloud, Flux offers a highly secure, scalable, and efficient platform for running dApps. Meanwhile, end-users will see lower costs, all while contributing to the decentralization of the Alephium network.

This partnership offers a significant step toward making decentralized technologies more accessible, affordable, and reliable, positioning both Flux and Alephium as key players in the future of blockchain technology.


We’re excited to kick off our partnership with the first ALPH full node contest on FluxCloud! The contest is split into two parts: the first, sponsored by Flux, will award five random winners with $500 in Flux through a raffle on October 15. The more apps you deploy, the higher your chances of winning! For the first raffle, your chance of winning is based on the number of nodes you deploy. Each node you deploy gives you a basic chance of winning. The more nodes you have online, the higher your chances of being one of the five random winners.

However, for the second raffle, your chances of winning are. based on two factors: how long your nodes stay online and the total number of nodes you hold. The formula enhances your winning chances by considering both the duration (time) your nodes are online and the number of nodes you have, giving a greater chance to those who maintain their nodes longer or hold more nodes.


You can also join the contest by deploying an ALPH full node via FluxOS. Good luck!

Meet Alephium

Alephium is a fast-growing Layer 1 blockchain & ecosystem. It is scalable, thanks to sharding, a process that enables the network to handle a higher throughput. It avoids typical L1 compromises, offering scalability, expressivity, security, and decentralization. As the leading smart contract-enabled PoW chain, it fosters a flourishing dApp and DeFi ecosystem, driven by strong tech, bridges, and a rare focus on UX and devX. Learn more about Alephium, join the community & discover the ecosystem! Find out at

The Flux Ecosystem continues to expand its offerings for the web. Whether you’re hosting nodes, building blockchain projects, or running applications, Flux provides a seamless platform to scale your operations. Join our Discord community, follow us on X, and explore our website for more details.

Discover how you can take part in the Flux and Alephium collaboration and be a part of the decentralized future today! Together, Flux and Alephium are shaping the future of Proof of Work blockchain’s, breaking down barriers, and empowering users across the globe.

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