
Stratos and Dedium: Empowering Decentralized Computing on Cardano

Stratos and Dedium: Empowering Decentralized Computing on Cardano
Stratos and Dedium: Empowering Decentralized Computing on Cardano

Stratos is thrilled to announce a new partnership between Stratos and Dedium, a decentralized GPU computing Network on the Cardano blockchain. By harnessing the power of decentralized storage, Stratos will permit Dedium’s GPU network to deliver unparalleled performance and scalability when it comes to rendering.

Dedium’s innovative GPU network is set to transform industries such as 3D rendering, cloud gaming, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI). This integration of Stratos decentralized storage into the Dedium network not only enhances performance but also contributes to lower costs for rendering tasks.

What sets this partnership apart is its pioneering nature within the Cardano ecosystem. As the first Cardano project supported by Stratos, Dedium gains access to a fully decentralized DePIN infrastructure that enhances performance, scalability, and reliability. This partnership benefits both projects and highlights the power of unified efforts to advance decentralized infrastructure technology.

About Stratos:

Stratos is building the next-generation decentralised cloud that provides a scalable, reliable, self-balanced storage, database, and computation network all in one. Stratos strives to become the most solid cornerstone of the new era of decentralisation, to power Dapps with a reliable and fully decentralised foundation. Stratos’ unique Proof-of-Traffic consensus rewards network participants and contributors with network traffic.

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