
Acurast Announces Partnership with CoralApp to Pre-Install Acurast Processor Application on CoralApp Phones

Acurast is thrilled to announce a strategic partnership with CoralApp, a leading player in developing an on-chain enabled smartphone.

Acurast Announces Partnership with CoralApp to Pre-Install Acurast Processor Application on CoralApp Phones
Acurast Announces Partnership with CoralApp to Pre-Install Acurast Processor Application on CoralApp Phones

This collaboration aims to further push mobile cloud computing forward by pre-installing the Acurast Processor application on all CoralApp-enabled phones, transforming them into integral compute units within Acurast’s decentralized cloud network.

Transforming Mobile Phones into Compute Powerhouses

Acurast leverages the latent compute capabilities of mobile phones, turning them into powerful processors that support a decentralized, confidential, and trustless cloud infrastructure. By utilizing everyday mobile hardware, Acurast ensures that compute is not only decentralized but also cost-effective and environmentally sustainable. This partnership exemplifies our commitment to disrupting the traditional cloud monopoly and democratizing access to computational resources.

CoralApp: Cutting-Edge Mobile Technology

CoralApp’s Coral Phone is designed as the ultimate entry point into the Web3 ecosystem, featuring Qualcomm’s Snapdragon® 8 mobile platform, a 6.55-inch AMOLED display, and a 4800mAh battery. The phone includes advanced security features such as a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) for secure private key storage and supports seamless interaction with decentralized applications (DApps). Additionally, it is optimized for zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) operations, enhancing both network security and user incentives​​​.

Alessandro De Carli, Co-Founder of Acurast, said:

We are excited to partner with CoralApp to further our mission of decentralizing the cloud. By pre-installing the Acurast Processor on CoralApp phones, we are making it easier than ever for a new userbase to participate in the decentralized cloud network and earn rewards. This partnership not only enhances our cloud infrastructure but also supports our vision of a more sustainable and democratized computing ecosystem.”

Bunmi Babajide, Founder of CoralApp, commented:

The integration of the Acurast Processor with our CoralPhones is a significant milestone. Our devices are designed to provide high performance and security for decentralized applications, and this partnership enhances their capabilities by allowing users to contribute to and benefit from Acurast’s decentralized cloud network. We believe this collaboration will drive greater adoption of Web3 technologies and empower our users with new opportunities to engage with the digital economy.”

Key Benefits for CoralApp Users

  • Seamless Integration: CoralApp phone users will find the Acurast Processor app pre-installed, enabling immediate participation in the decentralized cloud network.
  • Earn Incentives: Users can receive rewards by contributing their device’s computational power, turning their mobile devices into valuable assets.
  • Support Decentralization: This partnership enhances network robustness and security by strengthening the decentralized cloud infrastructure.

A Future of Decentralized Compute

This partnership marks a pivotal step towards a more open, decentralized, and sustainable future of cloud computing.

Together, we are building the cloud of tomorrow.

About CoralApp

For more information, visit CoralApp, follow CoralApp on X for updates.

About Acurast

For more information, visit Acurast, follow Acurast on X for updates, and join the community on Discord or Telegram.

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